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Thursday, July 26, 2018

Famous Bathroom Lighting Ideas UK

For a small bath uniform light can be obtained with the help of two bodies of lighting arranged on either side of the mirror, and for a large bath the light may be obtained by using a lightning body affixed to the ceiling, above huge mirrors.

The bathroom represents a significant, strictly functional area of the house and therefore we must give it special attention when planning to decorate, both in terms of the bathroom suite and the lighting fixturesSources of lighting must be fixed and directed so to have an efficient light and to focus on dark areas or objects that you want to put in a special light. What ever lighting you choose, it must work with the furnishings, mirror and other decorative pieces placed in the bathroom.

The mirrors in the bathroom should reflect as much natural light as possible, also, artificial ones, if placed in front of windows, will reflect the light giving the impression of a wider space. A classic style bathroom must have mirrors with elegant frames and shaded lighting bodies . It is indicated that you should use lighting fixtures directed down with special ornaments or decorative pieces which help in reshaping the bathroom and obtaining a special effect. Before thinking about the appearance and aesthetics of the lighting in your bathroom, you must first take into account how to protect users against electric shocks.

Also the light can be reflected by using mirrors if they are placed in strategic places and you can get better results when decorating the bathroom. The bathroom light must be clear, with controlled intensity and not bright. Bathroom lighting can be added to the wall or ceiling, however, wherever the lighting comes from, it must be watertight so the steam from the bathroom would not affect it.
bathroom lighting ideas uk

bathroom lighting ideas uk

bathroom lighting ideas uk

bathroom lighting ideas uk

bathroom lighting ideas uk

bathroom lighting ideas uk

bathroom lighting ideas uk

bathroom lighting ideas uk

bathroom lighting ideas uk

bathroom lighting ideas uk

bathroom lighting ideas uk

bathroom lighting ideas uk

bathroom lighting ideas uk

bathroom lighting ideas uk

bathroom lighting ideas uk

bathroom lighting ideas uk

bathroom lighting ideas uk

bathroom lighting ideas uk

bathroom lighting ideas uk

bathroom lighting ideas uk

bathroom lighting ideas uk

bathroom lighting ideas uk

bathroom lighting ideas uk

bathroom lighting ideas uk

bathroom lighting ideas uk

bathroom lighting ideas uk

bathroom lighting ideas uk

bathroom lighting ideas uk

bathroom lighting ideas uk

bathroom lighting ideas uk

bathroom lighting ideas uk
